Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Why is it Important to Eat Fruit?

Eating fruit provides health benefits — people who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.
  • Health BenefitsFruit basket

    • Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.
    • Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers.
    • Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
    • Eating vegetables and fruits rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.
    • Eating foods such as fruits that are lower in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake.
  • NutrientsGrapefruit

    • Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol.
    • Fruits are sources of many essential nutrients that are under consumed, including potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid).
    • Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Fruit sources of potassium include bananas, prunes and prune juice, dried peaches and apricots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and orange juice.
    • Dietary fiber from fruits, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as fruits help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories. Whole or cut-up fruits are sources of dietary fiber; fruit juices contain little or no fiber.
    • Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy.
    • Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant should consume adequate folate from foods, and in addition 400 mcg of synthetic folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.

    Medi Beats

Saturday, July 20, 2013

7 ways to stay healthy this rainy season.

The rainy season may have its charms: the cool weather, the reason to wear jackets and the magnified pleasure of a cup of hot coffee or a bowl of hot soup.
But it has dangers as well, primarily in the form of diseases like dengue and  infectious bacteria and viruses that become active due to the high humidity brought about by repeated spells of rain.
Luckily, there are simple precautions we can take to stay in peak health condition during this tricky season.

1. Wash your hands.

Bacteria and viruses come alive during the monsoon and you can come into contact with them just by crossing the road or holding onto an infected railing or bench.
Wash your hands as frequently as you can with soap and warm water.

2. Don't touch your face.

The flu virus commonly enters our body through the eyes, nose and mouth.
Resist the urge to scratch your eye or wipe your sweaty forehead. Bring a clean napkin or handkerchief instead.

3. Protect yourself from dirty water

Clogged gutters and dirty puddles are a common sight during rainy season. Unfortunately, they are sources of water-borne diseases like diarrhea, influenza, cholera and fungal skin infections.

Covering up is the best way to protect yourself from these diseases and still maintain your active life. Aside from a jacket, invest in a good pair of rain boots. In the Philippines, many commuters prefer wearing rubber slippers because, unlike most closed shoes, they dry fast and are easy to move around in.

But slippers leave your feet at the mercy of contaminated elements.

Rain boots are now available for a very cheap price and can be found in a range of styles and designs to suit anyone. They can be taken indoors and stored in lockers or in a bag underneath your office desk.

Rubber ones are light enough to carry in a backpack.

4. Avoid eating street food

While fish ball,kwek kwekandkikiam sold in the streets sound like a good idea any time of the year, the rainy season is when you should stay away from them. Food cooked and sold in the open air are likely to come in contact with airborne and waterborne diseases and bacteria.
Better to eat fresh, home-cooked meals. Why not cook fish balls at home?

5. Keep mosquitoes out.

The mosquito population grows during monsoon because stagnantwater — their choice breeding ground — becomes more common.
To keep mosquitoes out of your life, do some house cleaning. Look through flower pots, fountains, ditches, nooks and crannies that may be holding stagnant water. Clean them out and cover them until the end of the season.
Slather mosquito repellent over your body, especially when you go outdoors.

6. Drink herbal tea.

Herbal tea has curative properties for coughs, colds and sore throat — common ailments during the rainy season.
To make it extra good for your body (not to mention pleasant and delicious), you can add body warming ingredients like cloves, ginger, pepper, basil and mint.

7. Make eucalyptus oil.

your best friend
The aroma of eucalyptus oil helps us breathe easily; this, in turn, relaxes the entire body. This substance can be your best friend during the rainy season when the nose gets clogged from flu and thebody is maxed out from other diseases or even when dealing with just the extra strain of commuting in the rain.

There are several ways to breathe in its healing and calming aroma. You can dilute it in water and use it to steam your face.
You can also put a few drops of oil in a handkerchief and bring it wherever you go. Alternatively, you can dab it on your neck and head.

7 Ways to Prevent Cavities(Tooth Decay).

Cavities, also known as tooth decay, occur when plague, the sticky substance that forms on teeth, combines with the sugars and / or starches of the foods that we eat. This combination produces acids that attack tooth enamel.

Tooth decay is also the second most prevalent disease in the United States (the common cold is first). Fortunately, cavities can be easily prevented.

1. Brush Your Teeth

In the fight against cavities, it is essential that you brush your teeth properly at least twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride.

2. Floss Daily

Food debris gets caught in between our teeth when we eat. If the debris is not removed, it canlead to cavities. Flossing everyday is the best way to remove food debris from in between the teeth.

3. Eat Healthy

Proper nutrition plays an important role in good dental health. Eating nutritional snacks and limiting the amount of sugary drinks will help to prevent plaque from forming on the teeth.

4. Visit Your Dentist.

Many cavities can only be detected by a dentist or a dental X-ray.Visiting your dentist for regular check ups and cleanings are a key factor in preventing cavities and staying on top of good oral hygiene.

5. Have Sealants
Placed Dental sealants are a protective coating that is applied to the biting surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant protects the tooth from getting a cavity by shielding against bacteria and plaque. Sealants are more common in children because of the new growth of permanent teeth, however, sealants can benefit adults to.

6. Use a Mouth rinse

There are several antimicrobial mouth rinses on the market that have been clinically proven to reduce plaque, such as Listerine or Crest Pro Health. Rinsing with one of these mouth rinses after brushing or eating can aid in cavity prevention.

7. Chew (Sugarless) Gum!

Believe it or not, chewing certain sugarless gums can actually help to prevent cavities by increasing the flow of saliva in your mouth. In 2007, the American Dental Association awarded their Seal of Acceptance to Wrigley's Orbit, Eclipse and Extra chewing gums for helping to prevent cavities.

Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure.

What Blood Pressure Is Considered Too High?

A blood pressure of 140/90 or higher is considered high. This is called hypertension.
A blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called prehypertension. This means that you do not have hypertension, butyou are likely to develop it in the future unless you adopt lifestyle changes to keep your blood pressure under control.

How Can I Prevent High Blood Pressure?

You can prevent high blood pressure by:

Maintaining a healthy weight. Lose weight if you are overweight.

Exercising more.

Eating foods low in salt.

Eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.

Drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation, if you drink at all.

These changes are also recommended for treating high blood pressure, although medicine is often added as part of the treatment

How Is Blood Pressure Related to Weight?

As your body weight increases, your blood pressure can rise. In fact, being overweight can make you more likely to develop high blood pressure than if you are at your desirable weight. More than 60% of adults in the United States are overweight. You can reduce your risk of high blood pressure by losing weight. Even small amounts of weight loss can make a big difference in helping to prevent and treat high blood pressure.

How Can I Lose Weight?

To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. But don't go on a crash diet to see how quickly you can lose those pounds. The healthiest and longest-lasting weight loss happens when you do it slowly, losing 1/2 to 1 pound a week. By cutting back by 500 calories/day, by eating less and being more physically active, you can lose about one pound in a week.

Here are some tips to help you lose weight and get on the road to healthy eating:

Choose foods low in calories and fat.Naturally, choosing low-calorie foods cuts calories. But did you know that choosing foods low in fat also cuts calories?Fat is a concentrated source of calories, so eating fewer fatty foods will reduce calorie intake. Some examples of fatty foods to cut down on are: butter, margarine, regular salad dressings, fatty meats, skin of poultry, fried foods, whole-milk dairy foods like cheese, cookies, cakes, and snacks.

Choose foods high in starch and fiber.Foods high in starch and fiber, like fruits, vegetables, dry peas, and beans as well as whole-grain (as opposed to highly processed) cereals, pasta, rice, and breads, are excellent substitutes for high fat foods. They are lower in calories than foods high in fat and are also good sources of vitamins and minerals.

Choose whole-wheat vs. processed starches. Not all starches are equal. In general, you should choose whole-grain instead of processed starches. One guideline is to avoid starchy foods that are predominantly white in color – for example, white bread, potatoes, pasta, or rice. Whole-grain foods have higher nutritional value and generally leave you feeling fuller, which will also help prevent you from overeating.
Limit serving size.To lose weight, it's not just the type of foods you eat that's important, but also the amount. To take in fewer calories, you need to limit your portion sizes. Try especially to take smaller helpings of high calorie foods like high fat meats and cheeses. And try not to go back for seconds.
Keep a food diary.Keep track of what you eat, when you eat and why, by writing it down. Note whether you snack on high fat foods in front of the television, or if you skip breakfast and then eat a large lunch. Once you see your habits, you can set goals for yourself.
Exercise.Another important ingredient to losing weight is increasing physical activity. Cutting down on fat and calories combined with regular physical activity can help you lose more weight and keep it off longer thanonly eating less or only exercising.

Exercise can also lower blood pressure. People who are physically active have a lower risk of getting high blood pressure than people who are not active. You don't have to be a marathon runner to benefit from physical activity. Even light activities, if done daily, can help lower your risk of heart disease. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park farther away from the entrance so that you have to walk farther.

Diffrent Types Of Diabetes.

There are three main types of diabetes:

Type 1 

diabetesused to be called juvenile-onset diabetes. It is usually caused by an auto-immune reaction where the body’s defence system attacks the cells that produce insulin. The reason this occurs is not fully understood. People with type 1 diabetes produce very little or no insulin. The disease may affect people of any age, but usually develops in children or young adults. People with this form of diabetes need injections of insulin every day in order to control the levels of glucose in their blood. If people with type 1 diabetes do not have access to insulin, they will die.

Type 2 diabetesused to be called non-insulin dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes, and accounts for at least 90% of all cases of diabetes. It is characterised by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency, either or both of which may be present at the time diabetes is diagnosed. The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes can occur at any age. Type 2 diabetes may remain undetected for many years and the diagnosis is often made whena complication appears or a routine blood or urine glucose test is done. It is often, but not always, associated with overweight or obesity, which itself can cause insulin resistance and lead to high blood glucose levels.

People with type 2 diabete scan often initially manage their condition through exercise and diet. However, over time most people will require oral drugs andor insulin.

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are serious. There is no such thing as mild diabetes.

Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a form of diabetes consisting of high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. It develops in one in 25 pregnancies worldwide and is associated with complications to both mother and baby. GDM usually disappears after pregnancy but women with GDM and their children are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
Approximately half of women with a history of GDM go on to develop type 2 diabetes within five to ten years after delivery.

Other specific types of diabetes also exist.

Article by Vimal Kumar

Health Benefits Of Goat Milk.

Goats produce about 2% of the global milk supply and it is interesting that most of the populations of people who consume goat milks cite a lower incidence of allergies and digestive complaints.

Health Benefits

1. Natural Anti-Inflammatory

Some research suggests that one of the main benefits of goat milk is that it may hold anti-inflammatory capacities. Another reason why it is easier for people with bowel inflammation to drink goat’s milk, instead of cow’s milk.

2. Environmentally Friendly

Goats requires far less space and food than cows. Typically, you can comfortably raise six goats on the same acreage as two cows.

3. Metabolic agent

Studies done at the USDA and Prairie View A&M University, link goat’s milk to an increased ability to metabolize iron and copper, especially amongst individuals with digestion and absorption limitations. Besides drinking goat’s milk, you can also take a
digestive enzymes supplement to help with this also.

Appendicitis – All That You Should Know About It.

Appendix, the mysterious organ, is a thin tail, tube, or appendage, 31/2-inch-long, that extends from the large intestine. No one is absolutely certain what the function of the appendix is, although it clearly plays a role in digestion for other animal species.One thing we do know: We can live without it, without apparent consequences.

Appendicitis is a medical emergency that requires prompt surgery to remove the appendix. Left untreated, an inflamed appendix will eventually burst, or perforate, spilling infectious materials into the abdominal cavity. This can lead to peritonitis,a serious inflammation of the abdominal cavity’s lining (the peritoneum) that can be fatal unless it is treated quickly with strong antibiotics.

Though it can strike at any age, appendicitis is rare under age 2 and most common between ages 10 and 30.